For me, life only exists to be different, to make a difference, to be unique, to see things from a different perspective, and to create something from nothing. In other words, to be one of a kind. For me this is creativity. Not to stand out, but instead to be unlike everyone else. For some people this is just second nature, but for others we have to work at it a little bit more, and it is deeply important in our lives. It is our reason to live, to breath, and to exist.
I have so much trouble understanding those that want to follow a direction in life other than their own, who do not want to question things, but would rather fit in and be like everyone else. WHY? Why is that important? For me the purpose of my life is to be different, to be unique, to create something from nothing, to lead and make my own direction, and not follow the paths of others. This may be why we unplugged our television many years ago, and why I hate my mobile phone and mostly use it for playing music. This might be why I built my own house, and make my own furniture, and avoid buying anything with a label on it. This might be why we only eat at home and make most our food from scratch, and why we have no interest in what is “trending”, or what other people think, or do, or say, or wear, or find important.
In one sense, creativity is the ability to step back from collective fantasies, to breathe and do what you want to do the way you want to do it, to think on your own and not follow news, trends, or your neighbors, to not do something just because everyone else is doing it.
Creativity is to jump, even leap, into the unknown and discover what might be waiting there. It is like dreaming: it is your imagination taking hold of you and allowing you to make something from inside of you without knowing the outcome in advance, and being okay with that. Most people are afraid of following their instincts, their dream life, or creating a path in life without a map or a footprint to follow. I find this exciting. What will come, what will happen, what will evolve, what might I discover? I only know if I get my head out of the way, and I only discover it when I shut out all of the garbage trying to invade my life (TV, phones, social media, news, advertising, and the opinions of others). You have to see for yourself, make your own life for yourself, and be who you truly are: be your own creation, be your own self, discover life though your own imagination, your own head, and allow yourself to be free to invent and allow life to unfold. Will it always be perfect, will it be correct, will it be accepted, will you be happy with it? Find out! Give yourself the space to pick up a ball of clay, a paint brush, a piece of wood, yarn, fabric, whatever calls to you, and make something for yourself, just because YOU CAN! It will be unique to you, and it will be genuinely of you, and it will be truly Creative!
Life only moves forward when we get all of the garbage out of the way and allow ourselves the freedom to create, to do, to be and to express ourselves. You deserve that freedom, and you will discover, if you loose yourself in it, that you find yourself and will be happier for having done it. CREATE YOUR OWN LIFE! Start today: be creative, and only YOU can do that in your own unique way. You hold the key. Step outside of the box, be bold, be brave, think and create for yourself. YOU WILL BE A HAPPIER PERSON FOR IT! Just try it, what have you got to loose? Why not find out all that you have to gain!
Come join me in one of my painting retreats in Southern France and Spain. For one full week, you can lose yourself and rediscover your true creative spirit.